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Relationships shape the communication through which coordination occurs

What is the RC SurveyTM?

The RC SurveyTM instrument is a validated and reliable tool that identifies the strengths and weaknesses of teamwork within and across functional and organizational boundaries. The RC SurveyTM is capable of capturing sensitive communication and relationship behaviors related to a work process or on behalf of a client population throughout the leadership, management and front-lines of an organization.

The RC SurveyTM potential offers value to any quality improvement or transformation initiative, with results that can be used to inform the design of interventions and ongoing monitoring of desired performance outcomes.

RC SurveyTM Questions:


RC SurveyTM Features

  • Enhanced data visualization to more readily identify actionable RC patterns
  • Enhanced navigability of the RC SurveyTM report
  • Option to include patients and families as part of the healthcare team
  • Ability to compare multiple sites and multiple time periods
  • Improved RC network display – optional social network analysis
  • Option to include up to 50 additional customized questions

RCA provides a comprehensive suite of measurement capabilities, internal and external benchmarking, real-time dashboard performance monitoring, and cross-industry metrics to meet the needs of a broad range of clients and stakeholders.

Contact us for more information about RC SurveyTM features and deployment.